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Pathways to the Pros-Online

Updated: Aug 26, 2024

Professional clubs are now scouting players online due to travel restrictions, which opens up opportunities for young players who previously would have been missed. Soccer is a global game, and the top clubs in the world are now recognizing that the next generation of players may be signed from non-traditional markets.

In addition, Burnley is also utilizing the Online AI Scouting platform to evaluate youth players aged 14+ and invite the players who excel to attend the Burnley FC academy in England. The players I work with have been building their profile within the platform for several months and have received a National Rating on their physical performance attributes. In the coming months I will be working with several players, within my online academy program to improve their performance levels so that they ca be successful in the online trials.

I have advocated for years that young North American players can compete at the highest levels. However, it is critical that they participate in the European development models as much as possible. There was a great article by US player Geoff Cameron that outline the importance of this. Geoff, a former US international player was well qualified to provide this insight as he was a product of the North American system but challenged himself by testing himself in one of Europe’s most competitive leagues - the English Premiership.

"Does anyone honestly think that Christian (Pulisic) would be the player he is today if he had stayed in Hershey, Pennsylvania? He had to go. It’s an incredible thing that he’s in Germany right now. It’s the best thing for him. We need 50 more Pulisics playing in the Bundesliga and Serie A and the Eredivisie — even if some of them really struggle. Especially if they struggle." [Read full article]

There are no guarantees that players will receive professional opportunities by participating in any program but I believe this defined pathway does significantly increase the opportunities for ambitious and hard-working players both in Europe, MLS academy and for US Scholarship opportunities.

Each player in my online academy program will be tested against professional club academy standards. We are able to accomplish this through our partnership with Fleetwood Town.

After assessment, our players are provided with a detailed plan on what skills to work on and what opportunities they should be taking advantage of on an annual basis. All players will work directly with me and performance will be monitored on an ongoing basis.

Some of the opportunities now available are:

  1. Short and long stay training and playing opportunities at professional club academy programs Europe - UK, Spain, Italy, Germany, Portugal & Holland

  2. Formal trials at professional clubs with support from an agent for players who are a very advanced level

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